Catholic Dads HQ was founded in 2004 by a dad inspired by the interfusion of developing faith, love for his children, and the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Beginning a "Journey of Faith [that] Starts with a Humble Heart," nearly two decades later, Catholic Dads HQ is evolving. Catholic Dads HQ continues to provide relevant content via social media to promote #SpiritDirectedNeuroplasticity ( and also to coordinate a global network of expert professionals (therapists) to assist dads in their ongoing development in Seven Dimensions of Transformational Living as servant leaders. Dads everywhere have a unique and vital calling that includes cultivating the clarity of mind to understand their purpose in life and the transformational nature of their faith. With a clear understanding of their purpose in life, Catholic dads can lean into, with the assistance of a therapist if needed, an unwavering commitment to guide and lead their children on a path to have a transformative relationship with Christ. And as their confidence and competence emerge, inspired by the Holy Spirit, their children model their dad's abilities and can then navigate and overcome the spiritual, physical, psychological, and social challenges they face in contemporary society. As a result, dads emerge as servant leaders, active agents of change powered by authentic faith, and become men who inspire their children to live a life beyond self.
Catholic Dads HQ serves dads who are married, separated, divorced, parenting from a distance, dealing with grief and loss, or are granddads seeking education that aligns with and respects Catholic beliefs and values. In any circumstance, a global network of professionals is available to help equip dads for servant leadership.
The mission of Catholic Dads HQ? Catholic Dads HQ provides content that supports, educates, empowers, and guides Catholic dads to continue their mission. Catholic dads are encouraged to be informed by a dynamic tradition and devoted to their children's faith formation. And they are encouraged to cultivate the potential of their children to thrive in all dimensions of living (Mark 12:30). Moreover, based on relevant research, Catholic dads are encouraged to promote the transformational strengthening of their knowledge about their children. Furthermore, Catholic dads are encouraged to commit to helping clarify their values and roles as emotionally intelligent servant leaders in their families and communities. Finally, Catholic dads are encouraged to strive to inspire a deeper reliance on a love for their faith as the basis for their insights, emotional awareness, and behavioral strategies needed to successfully attain their personal and professional goals throughout their life's journey.
To promote the revealing of God's glorious purpose in the lives of dads worldwide, Catholic Dads HQ is committed to providing content, guidance, and access to a network of professionals throughout the United States and abroad dedicated to collaborating with Catholic dads to live a life beyond self.
Go forth and set the world on fire. -St. Ignatius Loyola